June 22 – July 26

The second act centers on the headquarters of the Radicale1924 residency project : Maison Routier

Dr. Daniel Adrien Routier (1897–1963), a brilliant cardiologist with a wide range of scholarly and medical expertise, hailed from a family of doctors in the Southwest of France. Beginning in 1920, he, along with his wife and daughter, left Paris to spend their holidays at their home in Saint-Cirq-Lapopie. In the village, Dr. Routier found solace fishing on the banks of the Lot River. He often painted small oil canvases, deliberately leaving them unfinished to preserve his initial impressions of the landscape. His passion for photography led him to meticulously annotate technical details on the back of each snapshot, creating a comprehensive archive of the Lot region, particularly from the 1930s.

Artistic works are displayed in the house’s workshop—a space deeply appreciated by every artist who has had the privilege of staying there.

ARTISTS : AFF/Furkart 1984-2024 Cédric Fargues Corentin Canesson & TNHCH Simona Mihaela Stoia Guillaume Bijl Idris Sevenans Jack Davey Mikes Poppe Nienke Baeckelandt Pieter Van der Schaaf Ria Pacquée Shulea Cheang Stéphanie Lagarde Agence Future Wim Wauman Zena Van den Block Sylvia Zade Routier Nicolas Bourthoumieux Carlos Aires


Beuys & Byars The introduction of the Sages to the Alps, Furkart 1984' in the nightshop of Maison Routier ©FinnFons

  • On June 24, 1984 at 12pm, Joseph Beuys and James Lee Byars presented to an attentive audience. ‘The introduction of the Sages to the Alps’ an event organised by Marc Hostettler that inaugurated the first season of Furkart. Forty years later , we invite you to (re)discover this special day with the presentation at Maison Routier in Saint-Cirq-Lapopie of a documentary exhibition , proposed by Thomas Rodriguez and Archive Furkablick Furkart.

  • Poop Philosophy in four words :

    ‘I hate French theory’

    Cédric Fargues , 2023.

‘Portraits of André Breton’ 2023 Carlos Aires ©FinnFons

  • Carlos Aires ingeniously recreated the renowned ‘Portrait of André Breton’ masks, originally captured by Man Ray in 1930, using paper and cardboard. For the last edition of Parade, the public event in 2023, Aires exhibited 50 unique self made masks. This intervention was documented in photographs taken both by the artist himself and members of the ‘masked’ audience.

‘Presenting myself to the village in different languages (2021) Ria Pacquée ©FinnFons

For Radicale 1924 Ria Pacquée primarily took on the role of observer. She uses the street as her arena of study, viewing it as a living setting in which she moves discreetly ('street rambling'), recording events from a particular viewpoint with a camera.

For this exhibition in Maison Routier , Ria Pacquée presents a video she made in Saint Cirq Lapopie during her first visit in 2021.

  • ‘I imagined a project. In order to overturn Musil's observation, I wanted to create a monument dedicated to oblivion as much as to self-denial, to the one who 'almost made it.' An allegory of the anonymous, Collins more than anyone else was the first man not to walk on the Moon. I tried to contact him by sending letters to NASA and to the publisher of his autobiography. The idea was to create a casting of his foot (probably the left one) instead of a bust, make a bronze or aluminum cast of it, and then bury it somewhere in secret. In the Pech-Merle cave, a few kilometers from Saint-Cirq-Lapopie, there is a fossilized footprint of a child. A left foot. A 'vestigium pedis' (a term that refers to the representation of the trace left by Prophets or saints and which constitutes a relic). The child slipped in the mud, no one ever passed by there again, and time turned the mud into stone. You can visit the cave, which I did for the first time when I was five or six years old. The guide had pointed out to me: "you see: he was your age 25,000 years ago." It is the only memory I have of the visit.’

    NB, 2023


Shulea Cheang & Christine Kirubi presenting ‘Loveme2030’ in front of Maison Breton, July 2024 ©FinnFons

  • Shu Lea Cheang presents ‘Loveme2030’ a short film created in 2005 on the facade of Maison André Breton in Saint-Cirq-Lapopie during the Summer of 2024 at the occasion of Radicale1924 in Maison Routier.

    A work created in 2005, refers to all the unfulfilled, unfinished love stories that have become scattered and will be reunited in the year 2030 in the buildings of a love inn, the Love Hotel Inc. .

Shu Lea Cheang presents ‘Loveme2030’ in Saint Cirq Lapopie .This work , created in 2005, refers to all the unfulfilled, unfinished love stories that have become scattered and will be reunited in the year 2030 in the buildings of a love inn, the Love Hotel Inc. ‘LOVEME2030’ will be projected on the facade of the Maison André Breton at the occasion of the Radicale 1924 exhibition this summer.


‘50 over 50 /You are on View’ Zena Van den Block ©FinnFons

  • Zena Van den Block will present the performance ‘ 50 over 50 /You are on View on’ in the garage of Maison Routier on July 5th . The performance shows a slideshow of the 50 most visited places in the world, taken from Google Streetview. By casting the shadow of the artist , onto the images , Zena becomes part of the touristic scene that is displayed.

Zena Van den Block presents the performance ‘ 50 over 50 /You are on View on’ in the garage of Maison Routier on July 5th . The performance shows a slideshow of the 50 most visited places in the world, taken from Google Streetview. By casting the shadow of the artist , onto the images , Zena becomes part of the touristic scene that is displayed. A performance developed in collaboration with Carl Haase.

‘Sorry’ 2022 Guillaume Bijl ©FinnFons

  • For the first and second edition of ‘Parade,the public event’ Guillaume Bijl contributed one of his signature works called Sorry. A ‘Sorry’ is one of the five categories into wich Guillaume Bijl organises his work. Each ‘Sorry’ is a mildly surrealistic, humorous assemblage of found objects, blending the ordinary with the absurd in a way that chalenges traditional notions of art and reality. ‘Sorry’ 2021 was shown in the Nightshop of Radicale1924, where the artist was present and available for informal conversations with guests and visitors.

Wim Wauman's central narrative revolves around an 'alchemical marriage' between Saint-Cirq-Lapopie and Rupelmonde, a heritage village in Flanders, Belgium. Rupelmonde, the birthplace of the famous cartographer Gerard Mercator (1512), is known for its historical tower, tide mill, sundials, and the swallows that fly around them. In the contemporary myth the artist is creating, it is also home to 'the miller’s daughter’: a shapeshifting character and siren, referencing the medieval European ‘Melusine’ folktale, previously referenced by André Breton in Nadja (1928) and Arcanum 17 (1944). Wauman draws a meaningful connection between Rupelmonde and the artist village of Saint-Cirq-Lapopie, the collection of Daniel Adrien Routier, surrealism as well as 'La Route Mondiale des citoyens du monde’


‘Saint-Cirq 2023’ Jack Davey & No title (1978) Laura Lamiel ©FinnFons

  • During his residency in Saint-Cirq-Lapopie in 2023, Jack Davey developed a series of works on cardboard and parcel paper . Jack s work is presented next to the early work of French artist Laura Lamiel, a close and longtime friend Sylvia Zade Routier. Two drawings (1978) made in Madrid during her stay at the Casa Velasquez , are here in display.

During his residency in Saint-Cirq-Lapopie in 2023, Jack Davey developed a series of works on cardboard and parcel paper . Jack s work is presented next to the early work of French artist Laura Lamiel, a close and longtime friend Sylvia Zade Routier. Two drawings (1978) made in Madrid during her stay at the Casa Velasquez , are here in display.


Ciné -Concert TNHCH -Marine Wallon & Corentin Canesson & Damien Le Dévédec , July 2024 ©FinnFons

  • TNHCH presented a first draft of their experimental film ‘Spinning Away’ by Marine Wallon & Corentin Canesson. This concert was presented in partnering with Maison des arts Georges et Claude Pompidou , Cajarc.

    TNHCH is a experimental rock group with eclectic influences, combining post-rock, post-punk, electronic music, and ambient. Formed in Rennes in 2013, the band was initiated by Corentin Canesson (guitar) and Arthur Beuvier (machines, synthesizers), later joined by Damien Le Dévédec (bass, vocals), Tim Karbon (drums, percussion), and Maëla Bescond (vocals & bass).

TNHCH presented a first draft of their experimental film ‘Spinning Away’ by Marine Wallon & Corentin Canesson. This concert was presented in partnering with Maison des arts Georges et Claude Pompidou , Cajarc.

TNHCH is a experimental rock group with eclectic influences, combining post-rock, post-punk, electronic music, and ambient. Formed in Rennes in 2013, the band was initiated by Corentin Canesson (guitar) and Arthur Beuvier (machines, synthesizers), later joined by Damien Le Dévédec (bass, vocals), Tim Karbon (drums, percussion), and Maëla Bescond (vocals & bass).

  • Mikes Poppe created ‘Ready Face’ during his residency in Maison Routier in 2023 : a special integrated work of art, which is part of the building.

Mikes Poppe created ‘Ready Face’ during his residency in Maison Routier in 2023 : a special integrated work of art, which is part of the building.


‘Astaffort’ (1917) & ‘Touch my crown’ (2024)

  • ‘When in Saint-Cirq-Lapopie one cannot resist the landscape. On cloudy days the colours are deep until the fog embraces the valley, then everything becomes muted. In Maison Routier I’ve seen many small paintings of Daniel Adrien Routier, where I recognise the colours and the shapes that I experienced myself. The small format of the works allows one to quickly catch a short moment, even when it comes back as a memory.’ excerpt from interview Simona Mihaela Stoia & Tamara Beheydt, 2023.

    Simona Mihaela Stoia carefully chose this painting by Daniel Adrien Routier ‘Astaffort’ (1917) engaging in a dialogue with her contemporary artistic practice.


‘Litoral Oranais’ (1920) Daniel Adrien Routier ©Juan de la Sota

  • On the first floor we present a selection of works by Daniel Adrien Routier. Routier’s landscape paintings stand out for their highly developed sense of composition and the choice of wild color patches. His oil paintings reflect his love for the rolling landscapes of the Dordogne, the seaside of Spain and Oran as well as the ancient beauty of Saint-Cirq-Lapopie.


‘Meta-Stones’ (2022) Nienke Baeckelandt ©Cyzermans

  • In 2022, Nienke presented ‘Meta-Stones’ in the last original woodturning shop of Saint-Cirq-Lapopie, featuring a collection of rocks found in the surrounding nature of the village by Nienke. Through her sculptures, he subtly manipulates the viewer’s perception, transforming these rocks into ‘Meta-Stones’ ——a meta landscape where time is ensnared within itself, stones trying to preserve stones.


exhibition Radicale1924 at Maison Routier with a the right ‘Kucia’ (2024) by Hans Demeulenaere & Samyra Moumouh ©FinnFons

  • For Maison Routier, Samyra Moumouh & Hans Demeulenaer chose to present this single object fitting to the house, titled ‘Kucia’. This piece is based on the sculptural work of Peter Shire. ‘Kucia’ is part of a larger sculptural ensemble that they presented during the first exhibition at Maisons Daura, titled ‘A Good Circle Makes A Good Square’ (2024)


‘Untitled’ (2024) Pieter Van der Schaaf ©FinnFons

  • Pieter Van der Schaaf invited the inhabitants of Saint-Cirq-Lapopie to send him a photo of their pets, and subsequently printed them on pizza boxes, which could travel throughout the village for deliveries. A participative project, spotlights the non-human inhabitants of the village and also food as a connecting medium, transcending nationalities and cultures.


‘Tour de Zwanze’ 2021 Idris Sevenans ©FinnFons

  • In the Nightshop of Maison Routier , Idris Sevenans presents his first artistic manifestation with the project ‘Tour de Zwanze’. This work features an imaginary bike tour between the Museum of René Magritte in Brussels and Maison André Breton in Saint-Cirq-Lapopie. It consist of a video, a bike and a costume.